Please make sure the outputs relate directly to the themes and sub-themes that your project will focus on. For further information, please see Wrexham Shared Prosperity Fund 2025-2026.
Please be realistic about the number of outputs likely to be achieved as claw back of grant maybe required if targets are not met.
If your project achieves additional outputs during delivery, you will be able to report on these as secondary outcomes as part of the claims process.
Output indicator | Unit of measure |
OP1: Amount of commercial space completed or improved | Square metres (M2) |
OP2: Amount of green or blue space created or improved | Square metres (M2) |
OP3: Amount of public realm created or improved | Square metres (M2) |
OP4: Amount of rehabilitated land | Square metres (M2) |
OP5: Number of amenities/facilities created or improved | Number of amenities or facilities |
OP6: Number of low or zero carbon energy infrastructure installed | Number of units |
OP7: Total length of new or improved cycle ways or foot paths | Kilometres |
OP8: Number of tourism, culture or heritage assets created or improved | Number of assets |
OP9: Number of enterprises receiving grants | Number of enterprises |
OP10: Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support | Number of enterprises |
OP11: Number of potential entrepreneurs assisted to be enterprise ready | Number of entrepreneurs |
OP12: Number of local events or activities supported | Number of events/activities |
OP13: Number of tournaments supported | Number of tournaments |
OP14: Number of economically inactive people engaging with keyworker support services | Number of people |
OP15: Number of people participating in adult numeracy provision | Number of people |
OP16: Number of adults participating in maths qualifications and courses up to, and including, Level 2 equivalent (numerical value) | Number of adults participating in maths qualifications and courses up to, and including, Level 2 equivalent |
OP17: Number of people reached | Number of people |
OP18: Number of people receiving support to gain employment | Number of people |
OP19: Number of people receiving support to sustain employment | Number of people |
OP20: Number of people retraining | Number of people |
OP21: Number of people supported to access basic skills courses | Number of people |
OP22: Number of people supported to participate in education | Number of people |
OP23: Number of households receiving support | Number of households |
OP24: Number of households supported to take up energy efficiency measures | Number of households |
OP25: Number of organisations receiving grants | Number of organisations |
OP26: Number of organisations receiving non-financial support | Number of organisations |
OP27: Number of volunteering opportunities supported | Number of opportunities |
OP28: Number of feasibility studies developed as a result of support | Number of studies |