Please make sure the outcomes relate directly to the themes and sub-themes that your project will focus on. For further information please see Wrexham Shared Prosperity Fund 2025-2026.
Please be realistic about the number of outcomes likely to be achieved as claw back of grant maybe required if targets are not met.
If your project achieves additional outcomes during delivery, you will be able to report on these as secondary outcomes as part of the claims process.
Outcome indicator | Unit of measure |
OC1: Increased number of properties better protected from flooding and coastal erosion | Number of properties |
OC2: Increased use of cycleways or footpaths | Number of cyclists or pedestrians |
OC3: Number of vacant units filled | Number of vacant units filled |
OC4: Increased users of facilities/amenities | Number of users |
OC5: Increased visitor numbers | Number of people |
OC6: Increase in visitor spending | Amount of visitor spend in £ |
OC7: Premises with improved digital connectivity as a result of support | Number of premises |
OC8: Jobs created as a result of support | Number of full time equivalent (FTE) |
OC9: Jobs safeguarded as a result of support | Number of full time equivalent (FTE) |
OC10: Number of new enterprises created as a result of support | Number of new enterprises |
OC11: Number of enterprises adopting new or improved products or services | Number of enterprises |
OC12: Number of enterprises adopting new to the firm technologies or processes | Number of enterprises |
OC13: Number of enterprises engaged in new markets | Number of enterprises |
OC14: Number of enterprises with improved productivity | Number of enterprises |
OC15: Number of new to market products | Number of products |
OC16: Number of organisations engaged in knowledge transfer activity following support | Number of organisations |
OC17: Number of R&D (Research & Development) active enterprises | Number of enterprises |
OC18: Improved engagement numbers | Number of people |
OC19: Number of community-led arts, cultural, heritage and creative programmes as a result of support | Number of programmes |
OC20: Number of people in employment, including self-employment, following support | Number of people |
OC21: Number of people sustaining employment for 6 months | Number of people |
OC22: Number of people in education/training following support | Number of people |
OC23: Number of people with basic skills following support | Number of people |
OC24: People gaining a qualification or completing a course following support | Number of people |
OC25: Number of adults achieving maths qualifications up to, and including, Level 2 equivalent | Number of adults |
OC26: Number of people reporting increased employability through development of interpersonal skills funded by UKSPF | Number of people |
OC27: Estimated carbon dioxide equivalent reductions as a result of support | Tonnes of CO2e |
OC28: Neighbourhood crimes | Number of crimes reported |
OC29: Number of volunteering opportunities created as a result of support | Number of volunteering roles created |
OC30: The number of projects arising from funded feasibility studies | Number of projects |