People who work for or with us (Wrexham Council) are often the first to realise that there may be something wrong within the council. However, they may feel unable to express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues, managers or to the council. They may also fear harassment or victimisation. They may be worried about raising such issues or they may want to keep the concerns to themselves, perhaps feeling it’s none of their business or that it’s only a suspicion. They may decide to say something but find that they have spoken to the wrong person or raised the issue in the wrong way and are not sure what to do next.

The council has a Whistleblowing Policy that advises staff and others how to raise concerns about activities in the workplace.

This policy applies to all:

  • employees of Wrexham County Borough Council
  • employees of contractors working for the council on council premises (for example agency staff, builders, drivers)
  • those providing services under a contract or other agreement with the council in their own premises (for example care homes)
  • voluntary workers working with the council
  • consultants engaged by the council

If you work for or with the council and are concerned that something wrong or dangerous is happening at work, please don’t keep it to yourself. Unless you tell us about concerns you may have about criminal activity, safety risks, or inappropriate behaviour towards clients, the chances are we won’t find out until it’s too late.

How to raise a concern

The policy tells you how to raise a concern.

  1. You should raise your concern with whoever you feel most comfortable raising it.  We hope you will be able to tell your line manager (or if you are not employed by the council, the relevant manager within the council).
  2. If for whatever reason you are uneasy about this or you feel it is more appropriate to raise concerns with someone more senior or outside of your department,(or if you are not employed by the council, the relevant department), you may wish to contact one of the internal contacts listed in the policy.
  3. If you have serious concerns which you feel unable for whatever reason to raise within the council, you should raise the matter with one of the external contacts listed in the policy.
  4. If your concern relates to harm or potential harm to either children or vulnerable adults, then these concerns should be reported immediately to the Child Protection Co-ordinator or the Protection of Vulnerable Adults Co-ordinator or the out of hours Emergency Duty Team.
  5. If you want confidential advice first you can call the independent charity, Protect, on 020 3117 2520.

More guidance and information is contained in the council’s Whistleblowing Policy, from the Monitoring Officer by calling 01978 292202, or the Deputy Monitoring Officer by calling 01978 292214.

The law protects workers who raise concerns in good faith, so don’t worry about being disadvantaged as a result.

The council will not tolerate victimisation or harassment of anyone who raises concern about actual or suspected wrongdoing. After you have raised concerns, we will keep you informed, and wherever possible, let you know the final outcome.

The Whistleblowing Policy provides a safe and confidential way for you to raise genuine concerns.  Please use it – don’t let wrongdoing go unchallenged if there is something you can do about it.
