A person has additional learning needs (ALN) if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability (whether the learning difficulty or disability arises from a medical condition or otherwise) which calls for additional learning provision.
Changes to the system
The system for supporting children and young people who have special educational needs has now started to change.
Overview of the changes
- Changes are taking place over three years
- From September 2021,the term ‘additional learning needs’ (ALN) replaced the term ‘special educational needs’ (SEN), as well as the term ‘learning difficulties and disabilities’ (LDD)
- An emphasis on high aspirations and improved outcomes for all children and young people who have ALN.
- The ALN system will cover children and young people aged 0-25 who have needs that require additional learning provision
These guides explain how and when children, who were not included in the arrangements during the first year of implementation, will move to the ALN system:
For parents and families
For children and young people
Further information about ALN
Determining ALN at different stages
We have a set of principles that we apply when determining whether it is reasonable for a school to arrange/provide the Additional Learning Provision (ALP) required by a pupil, or whether we should do so.
An explanation of terms relating to ALN
What to do if you’re not happy with a decision
General questions about ALN
Contact our Education Inclusion Service
Email: ALN@wrexham.gov.uk
Alternatively, write to:
Education Inclusion Service Wrexham County Borough Council
Crown Buildings
Chester Street
LL13 8BG