Before you carry out any works in, on or above the public highway you will need to obtain a licence from us. The licence is commonly referred to as a 'Section 50' and is issued under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.
This licence allows apparatus to be installed in, on or above the highway and can only be carried out with our approval as the Highway Authority.
Cost for installation of new apparatus licence (private customer)
The cost is £456 for one house, £743 for two or more houses, £660 for a non-residential development or a general development, or £588 for agricultural/horticultural.
Cost to repair/replace existing apparatus (private customer)
The cost is £150 to repair or replace existing apparatus, where there is an existing Street Works Licence.
The cost is £205 to repair or replace existing apparatus, where a Street Works Licence has not been granted.
Apply for a Section 50 licence
Please email for further information on applying for a Section 50 licence.
Penalty for non-observance
Enforcement measures may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100 plus the appropriate licence fee.
The Fixed Penalty Notices of up to £100 may also be enforced if the terms and conditions are not adhered to.
What happens next?
We will assess your request to ensure all the required details are complete. When your request is approved and the Section 50 process is completed, an email will be sent with a link to make the payment for the application. Once payment has been made you will receive email confirmation with the appropriate licence and cover letter.