Before you carry out any works in, on or above the public highway you will need to obtain a licence from us.

All non-highway works in the street require a Street Works Licence. This is to enable some control to be maintained on works, a standard level of reinstatement and records to be kept of apparatus on the highway, and to minimise the risk of damage.

Some examples of when a Section 171 licence will be required includes for lifting manhole covers, installing traffic count cables, trial holes and CCTV investigation.

Cost for a road opening licence

The cost for a road opening licence is £255.

Cost for a licence for cabins, containers, compounds or building materials

The cost of a licence for cabins, containers, compounds or building materials is £100.

Cost for a licence for placing cranes on the highway

The cost of a licence to place a crane on the highway is £350 per day, plus road closure fees if required.

Cost for a licence for a Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) apparatus

The cost of a licence for a mobile elevated work platform for more to be placed on the highway for more than one hour is £100 per day, plus road closure fees if required.

Apply for a Section 171 licence

Please email for further information on applying for a Section 171 licence.

Penalty for non-observance

Enforcement measures may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice of £100 plus the appropriate licence fee.

The Fixed Penalty Notices of up to £100 may also be enforced if the terms and conditions are not adhered to.

What happens next?

We will assess your request to ensure all the required details are complete. When your request is approved and the Section 171 process is completed, an email will be sent with a link to make the payment for the application. Once payment has been made you will receive email confirmation with a copy of the licence.