The statutory notice period is now closed.

On September 17, 2024, the Executive Board approved the proposal to increase the pupil capacity at St Mary’s Church in Wales (CIW) Voluntary Aided (VA) School, Brymbo from 154 to 210, with a potential to increase further to 315 if required as a result of future housing developments, from September 2025. 

Consultation on the proposals to increase the pupil capacity at St Mary’s CIW VA Brymbo

This consultation is an opportunity for the local and wider community to learn about the proposals to permanently increase the pupil capacity at St Mary’s CIW VA Brymbo.

Wrexham County Borough Council wishes to seek the views of interested parties regarding the proposal to increase capacity at St Mary’s CIW VA Brymbo. This consultation document sets out the information which consultees will need to consider to take part fully in the consultation process. This process follows regulatory guidance as set out in the School Organisation Code 2018.

Following feedback through the public consultation to date and further discussions with the Welsh Language Commissioner, we have reviewed elements of the Welsh impact assessment working document that underpins this area of the consultation.

The revised document can be found below. Hard copies are available on request.

The consultation period commences on 23 October 2023 and ends on 12 January 2024.

The Consultation

The Council wishes to seek the views of all those with a likely interest in the proposal. It is important that all views can be taken into account before a decision is made. 

You are welcome to ask any questions and let us have your views by emailing

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I share the consultation on my social media and if so, what can I share?

Yes, the consultation can be shared to social media. If you would like to do so, please email and the links to share the online consultation form on YourVoice will be provided.

Will the new school be merged with Ysgol Tanyfron?

There is no intention to merge the new school with Ysgol Tanyfron as a result of this consultation.

Why is a new school being built when other schools in the local/surrounding area have spare places/capacity?

The current school is unsuitable, both in terms of scope for extension and in terms of offering the facilities required to successfully deliver the modern curriculum. It is currently placed on a steep hill with restricted parking, poor vehicular access and a limited outside playground area. The school currently utilises a playing field situated 1km away from the building which pupils must access by crossing a busy road. This field is prone to flooding which sometimes renders the space unusable for sporting and recreational activities. The rationale for this project, as well as to increase capacity, is to create an improved, high quality learning environment on a larger site to help meet the predicted future demand for school places in the area once the proposed housing development has been completed. 

How will the school accommodate additional pupils? (e.g. a new school or an extension)

The new school building will be designed in a way that will allow future expansion easily if the need to increase numbers to 315 is realised. The increase in capacity is subject to obtaining planning permission on a new site at the former Brymbo Steelworks site, LL11 5FS.

How will you ensure that the new school does not negatively affect other schools in the area? (e.g. potential budget cuts, people not choosing other local schools due to facilities that are not as modern)

It is the view of the Council that the longer term benefits of the proposal, such as an increase of pupil places in an area of proposed future demand, outweigh any disadvantages or risks. The consultation on increasing the capacity has been kept at a minimum based on the number of pupils arising from the proposed new development. This is to minimise any potential negative impact on other schools in the area. The Council operates on a parental preference basis for school admissions, as outlined in the Parent’s Guide to Education Services.

How will you ensure that the building of the new school is environmentally friendly?

As part of the ongoing commitment of the Council to become carbon neutral by 2030, the new school building will include low carbon, energy efficient and innovative features. The design will aim to include appropriate habitats for our natural species and will aim to bring the natural environment into the learning space through the introduction of biophilic features e.g. living walls. It is also anticipated that the modern and innovative design will allow the wider community of Brymbo to have use of an eco-friendly and energy efficient space outside of school hours. The new school building will be designed and constructed to BREEAM excellence standards and will meet the Welsh Government’s requirements for Net Zero in operation.

How will active travel to school be encouraged?

We aim to promote safer and more sustainable modes of travel, to reduce reliance on polluting and congestion-causing car journeys, while improving the physical and mental wellbeing of pupils, by encouraging more walking, cycling and scooting.

When would we expect the new school to be ready for admission?

For the new build we have estimated doors to open on or before September 2026 (subject to obtaining planning permission), however we are intending to increase the admissions number from September 2025.

The document does not make it clear why there are two role numbers – 210 or 315?

We are proposing to increase the pupil capacity from 154 to 210 from September 2025, with the potential to increase further to 315 if required as a result of future housing developments.  

Phased entry is also not a practical consideration as there would be 2 schools to run and upkeep. Why build a Zero carbon School if most of the pupils are ¾ of a mile away in a building leaking heat like a sieve?

As the existing school moves to its new school building, we are only proposing phased entry for admissions to nursery and reception for a period of 6 years until the school reaches its intended capacity. Net zero carbon is a requirement from Welsh Government in all new Education buildings. 

Has a Welsh Language Impact Assessment been carried out?

Yes, a copy of the Welsh Language Impact Assessment can be found on our consultation webpage and on the Your Voice webpage. Hard copies are available on request.

Are you able to offer assurances that the funds for this project are available?

The project will be delivered on the basis of the following match funding which has been secured:

  • 15% Parochial Trust
  • 85% Welsh Government 

If the school were on 2 sites, it could well deter newcomers to the village from choosing Brymbo school?

We will not be operating two new sites – all pupils will be decanted into the new school once the school building opens its doors. 

If there is concern regarding capacity due to the development of new houses in the area, why not consider a new Welsh language school?

We have carried out a full and detailed Welsh language impact assessment in which both positive and negative are discussed and mitigations identified. 

It will have a negative impact on the numbers in Ysgol Bryn Tabor. They have children from the Brymbo area, but will they continue to attend when a new school will be built close by, even if it’s through the medium of English?

Evidence from previous school reorganisation proposals to increase capacity in English medium schools has not resulted in a direct decline in pupil numbers in Welsh-medium schools.

Has a study been done on the possible decrease in Ysgol Bryn Tabor?

We have carried out a full and detailed Welsh language impact assessment in which both positive and negative are discussed and mitigations identified. 

The schools in the area aren’t full, so why the need for a school with more capacity at this time? The current schools could cope with any increase in demand as a result of the building work.

The two nearest schools would still not be able to meet the proposed increase in pupil numbers as a result of the proposed new housing development. 

ALN Unit – why not prioritise a Welsh medium ALN in the first instance?

Noddfa opened in September 2023 to provide a comprehensive support service for additional learning needs across the county borough. The support service available from Noddfa is fully bilingual and therefore supports Outcome 6 in the WESP which aims to expand ALN provision through the medium of Welsh.

We recognise that the three nearest Welsh medium primary schools do not have ALN provision, however this is being addressed through the WESP objectives as part of Outcome 6. It is also included as part of the wider county borough ALN Review which is currently being undertaken.