The childcare setting/referrer is responsible for making sure that all information in the application is up to date and accurate.

Failure to make sure that the information is correct may affect future decisions of the panel relating to this setting/referrer.

New applications should be received, and confirmed as agreed by the Rainbow Childcare Panel in writing, before an offer of employment/additional hours or a placement is confirmed.

Application guidelines

  • Make sure all criteria are met fully before applying
  • A separate application must be completed for each child
  • Applications usually run for a maximum of 13 weeks or one term, and a new application is required for further funding to confirm continued eligibility 
  • Evidence will be required to support all applications (check the further guidance below)
  • Report any change in circumstances immediately to the Panel Administrator
  • Remember to get all the necessary signatures and  include all the requested material 
  • Make sure you deal with any funder’s requests for more information quickly, and keep the funder informed of any relevant new changes.
  • Failure to respond to requests made for additional information will result in the referral being declined. 
  • Provide a clear point of contact (mobile and email address) 
  • Submit the application at least three weeks before the proposed start date, and in line with the panel dates (if applications are not received by this deadline the requested start date cannot be guaranteed)

As well as following the above guidelines, if you apply using the paper application instead of the online application, you’ll need to...

  • Remember to provide an email address as we will send an email to confirm the outcome of the application.
  • Type your application, hand written applications will not be considered.
  • Send completed applications and all supporting documentation to 

Further guidance 

When applying, proof of employment is required: 

  • Three months of wage slips for both parents, or correspondence from the employer stating working hours
  • For those who are self-employed - Unique Tax Reference number

We will accept photographs of the evidence listed above via email. This information will not be kept once it has been confirmed.

Explaining what matters to the child and their family and how the support could help

When filling in the application form you’ll be required to provide relevant information relating to the person that the referral is being completed for. You can use the following prompts to help you outline the key reasons as to why the referral is being requested.


Health (physical)

Physical health including illness, obesity, dental health, immunisation, hygiene, diet, sexual health, use of drugs/alcohol, healthy lifestyles, sleeping, exercise, appropriate medical and dental care.

Health (mental/emotional)

Mental/emotional health including depression, self-harm, mental illness, self-esteem, impact of bereavement, PTSD, response to stress, coping strategies, effect on relationships.


Quality of relationships with members of the family, siblings, peers, neighbours, other adults, those in authority, friendship patterns, domestic violence, manipulative or abusive relationships, attachments, bullying, empathy, warmth, consistency, supportive, (in)dependence, supporting contact with important relatives and other significant people, ensuring child or young person has secure, stable and affectionate relationships, children’s relationships with others in their community.

Disability or learning needs

Physical or behavioural/developmental, extent, impact of disability on self/other family members, impact on education or work. For an adult, to include mild or more significant disabilities and phobias/addictions, learning needs and their impact.

Caring responsibilities

Responsibilities held by children for other children, parents, other family members, friends, impact of caring responsibilities on learning/training/work, on independence, leisure play and social activities.


Availability, accessibility and standard of amenities (health centres, day-care, leisure, transport, worship), social isolation, discrimination, extent of anti-social behaviour or crime, relationships with neighbours, support for the family from the community.

Child/young person


Physical, social and emotional development, including growth, language skills, self-care skills, regulation of emotions, relationships, self-image and sense of belonging, social presentation, age appropriateness of behaviour/clothes/responsibilities.


Understanding, reasoning and problem-solving, concentration, ensuring school attendance, progress in school/college, special educational needs, participation in learning, attitude to learning, child or young person’s experience of work.


Temperament, self-control, appropriateness of behaviour in different settings, positive role modelling, additional needs affecting behaviour, anti-social behaviour, response to anger, frustration, upset.



Providing for the child or young person’s physical needs (food, drink warmth and shelter), ensuring appropriate clothing and adequate personal hygiene, ensuring child or young person is adequately protected from harm, contact with unsafe adults and children, responding and encouraging child or young person’s learning, joining in play, promoting learning opportunities, demonstrating and modelling appropriate behaviour, avoiding over protection, setting appropriate boundaries, effective discipline and shaping of behaviour, providing praise and encouragement, appropriate sensitivity and responsiveness to child or young person’s need, consistency of emotional warmth over time and responding in a similar manner to the same behaviour, childcare arrangements.


Sufficiency of income or benefits, use of resources available to family, ability to budget, effects of hardship, debt.

Training and employment

Qualifications, training undergone, employment and work patterns, family’s attitude to work or the absence of work, barriers to training and employment, childcare arrangements, organisation, basic and other skills, confidence, ability to function well in a work environment.


Adequacy of living arrangements (size, heating, water, sanitation, cooking facilities), home conditions (cleanliness, state of repair, hygiene and safety), homelessness, hazards and dangers inside and outside the home, pets.

How to apply 

You can apply by using our online application forms. Before starting an application you will need to create a ‘MyAccount’ profile (if you haven’t already).

You will be able to view a copy of your submitted application on MyAccount when you are logged in, under the ‘My Requests’ section (the application will be a read only version – there is no option to edit your application once it has been submitted). You will be able to view all completed applications via the MyAccount portal.

Apply for childcare placements referral


Apply for respite placements referral


If needed, you can apply by using the paper application form instead (you can fill this in electronically and send via email). 

To request a paper application and for all other enquiries you can contact the panel administrator by emailing, calling 01978 292663.