We offer a pre-application advice service to those applying for a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003, and variations to these licences. 

It is also available to provide support for the following types of applications:

The aim of this service is to ensure that you have the necessary information in order to make a valid application. This service is not a mandatory requirement and you can request advice elsewhere instead (for example from solicitors and licensing consultants) if you would prefer.

What the service provides 

  • Guidance and support on the licensing application forms by an experienced licensing officer.
  • An overview of the application process - an explanation of all requirements and responsibilities during the application process.    
  • An explanation of the licensing premises plan.
  • Guidance on the site notice and newspaper advert - including a sample notice and advice on formatting and siting your notice.
  • Checking service - documents checked before formal submission.

The service does not include the following: completion of the forms, submission of the newspaper advert, siting the notice or site visits (visits are chargeable). 

Our Licensing Department cannot be held responsible for the content of the application forms nor any representation made against the application or refusal to grant the licence by the Licensing Committee.

Pre-application advice fees
Type of licence/eventAdvice service fee
Scrap Metal Dealer£120*
Sex Establishment£120*

Premises Licence (number of persons)

  • Standard- Less than 1000 people
  • Over 1000 people (events)
  • Over 5000 people (events)
  • £120*
  • £160*
  • £200*
Site visit - at applicant’s request (to give advice)
£100 (max one hour)
Temporary Event Notice advice£35 (up to 35 minutes)
Minor Variation advice£75 (up to 35 minutes)

*Repeat requests for advice following the initial service will be chargeable at £100.

How the advice is provided

Advice is provided in person at our Lambpit Street Office (Wrexham, LL11 1AR) or via video call on Teams. You will then receive instructions in a follow up email.

Request the service

If you would like to access the advice service then please email the team at licensingservice@wrexham.gov.uk and a Licensing Officer will contact you to discuss your application further.