Fixed penalty notices can be issued by the police to drivers whose vehicles are obstructing the streets. All other parking, loading and waiting offences are dealt with by our (Wrexham Council’s) enforcement officers.

Parking fines – penalty charge notices (PCNs)

Our enforcement officers patrol streets within the county borough and council-owned city centre car parks. Enforcement officers will issue a PCN if you break any parking regulations in force at the time (for both on and off street contraventions).

If you receive a PCN you have a month to pay the charge stated on the PCN (or to make an informal challenge instead). If you pay within 14 days the charge will be reduced by 50%.

Pay a PCN


You can pay by credit/debit via the Wales Penalty Processing Partnership website (American Express is not accepted).

About the Wales Penalty Processing Partnership

We work with Denbighshire County Council as part of the Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (WPPP).

This means Denbighshire Council completes some of the parking administration in Wrexham on our behalf. However, all policies have been agreed by us and Wrexham Council staff are involved at all stages of the process.

Alternatively you can pay your PCN:

By telephone

Call 0845 605 6556 to make a payment by credit/debit card.  This service is available Monday - Thursday from 8.45am to 5.15pm and Friday from 8.45am - 4.45pm.

Alternatively you can call the 24 hour automated payment line on 0845 603 2677.

By post

Payments may be made by crossed cheque or postal order made payable to: WPPP. Cash should not be sent in the post.

Please write the notice number and your address on the reverse of the cheque / postal order and complete and enclose the payment slip.

Post your payment to: 

PO Box 273
LL18 9EJ

Remember to leave time for postage to make sure you take advantage of the 14 day 50% discount rate.

Late payment

If you don't pay a PCN in time the charge will increase by 50% or possibly even more.

If payment is not made within 28 days, the registered keeper or the person who we believe to be the owner of the vehicle may receive a ‘notice to owner’ asking for payment. That notice will also describe how the owner can formally challenge the PCN (called a ‘representation’).

If you have lost your PCN

Losing your PCN is no reason for not paying. If you’ve lost your PCN, call WPPP on 0345 6056556 for advice.

On-street parking responsibilities

When you park on the street, it’s important you park correctly, and in a safe and sensible way.

If you park in the wrong place or don’t pay for the correct amount of time, you’re liable to receive a parking fine.

It’s your responsibility to park correctly.

You are not allowed to park:

  • where waiting and loading restrictions are in force at that time
  • in a reserved bay (such as for Blue Badge holders) without correctly displaying a valid permit
  • at a bus stop, or in a bus lane during prohibited times
  • on zig-zag lines outside schools or by pedestrian crossings - collecting or dropping off children isn’t an excuse, and your vehicle could cause a serious safety hazard
  • on pavements or grass verges
  • in a pay-and-display space without paying for the duration of your stay
  • for longer than any waiting restrictions (and you should not return within the stated time limit)

If you’re not sure, check the signs and road markings where you’re thinking of parking. Signs are not required for double yellow lines, which mean that no waiting is allowed at any time.

Where there are road markings for a bus stop clearway this also means that no waiting/parking is allowed.