You can check the Wrexham Libraries page on Facebook for updates (including book suggestions and events being held across the county):

Reading groups

Reading groups are free, friendly and informal and if you like discussing what you've read they could be for you.

Wrexham’s libraries offer a free service to reading groups. We have a special collection of reading group titles for you to choose from, which means your group can borrow a set of books for each meeting, and you can choose a different title for every month free of charge.

If you'd like to use this service and register your group with us, you'll need to appoint a co-ordinator to order books on your behalf. The loan period for registered groups is longer than for standard loans. When making your choices from the reading group collection please give us as much notice as possible so that we have time to process your books. 

If you'd like to start your own reading group but are unsure of how to go about it then contact your local library for advice.