Our (Wrexham Council’s) housing service owns over 11,000 social housing properties, the largest number in any Welsh local authority apart from Cardiff and Swansea. This stock includes properties of various different ages, shapes and sizes, and built from all types of different materials.

What is the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS)?

The WHQS was first introduced in 2002, setting a minimum acceptable standard for all social housing in Wales. This standard was achieved on Wrexham’s social housing through a comprehensive improvement works programme before the December 2021 deadline.

Works carried out have included:

  • Properties offered a new kitchen and bathroom, unless their current kitchen or bathroom already met the standard.
  • Installation of external wall insulation (EWI) to many properties to improve the energy efficiency of these homes.
  • An external works programme to update fencing and paths at properties (carried out where required, to ensure the property meets the WHQS)

After the works on were completed we moved into the maintenance phase.

Updated standards

After the 2021 deadline, Welsh Government have since further updated the standards to reflect how people live, work and feel about their homes.

The key aims of the new standard, introduced in April 2024, is to:

  • address decarbonisation
  • enhance water efficiency
  • improve the quality of social housing in Wales so that it contributes to positive health and wellbeing of the tenants

The revised and challenging standard for the quality and condition of properties lists the following summarised targets which all homes will need to meet:

  • In a good state of repair
  • Safe and secure
  • Affordable to heat with minimal environmental impact
  • Equipped with up to date kitchens and bathrooms
  • Comfortable and suits the person living there
  • If possible a suitable garden
  • If possible an attractive outdoor space

New deadline

Local authorities in Wales have until 31 March, 2034 to ensure that all their social housing tick these boxes and achieve the standard. Achieving the standard is very much dependant on funding.

How will our housing service achieve the WHQS?

To ensure that the WHQS is achieved, we will:

  • Assess the condition of homes to identify required improvements. This will require reviewing existing information and where necessary carrying out home surveys. If a visit is required we will notify you.
  • Develop a thorough plan and budget to upgrade homes to meet the revised standards.
  • Create Targeted Energy Pathways (TEP) based on home assessments. These will identify the necessary steps, work, and timeline to maximise energy efficiency, ensuring affordable warmth and reduction in environmental impact.
  • Engage with Contract Holders to share plans and gather feedback

How the work is being funded

Each year, we set out an annual budget for housing improvement works. The funding is provided by a combination of council house rent income, borrowed money (prudential borrowing) and income from the sale of council owned land and properties.

We also receive a Major Repairs Allowance which is a grant awarded by the Welsh Government to local authorities to help them achieve the WHQS.

For the financial year of 2024/25 we received £7.5m from the Welsh Government which will be spent on WHQS improvement schemes.

For the financial year of 2024/25 we will spend £30.8m on WHQS improvements.

What improvements are being made to properties?

Our housing service will work with a number of contractors to ensure all aspects of the improvement works are carried out to a high standard.

The following will continue as part of the capital investment programme for 2024/25:

  • re-roofing (which will continue as part of the maintenance phase)
  • replacement window and doors with triple-glazing (part of the capital investment programme)
  • full and partial rewires (which will continue as part of the maintenance phase)
  • the replacement of central heating systems (which will continue as part of the maintenance phase)
  • kitchens and bathroom (which will continue as part of the maintenance phase)
  • Installation of EWI to traditionally constructed difficult to heat rendered properties as part of the decarbonisation programme
  • major refurbishment of empty properties
  • decanting of properties where previous WHQS refusals have taken place (these will also include a ‘whole house’ refurbishment approach)
  • the programme of constructing on plot parking provision to properties
  • plastering of tenanted properties where defective plaster may require works (this will include looking at the best options in terms of delivery, property types and cost effectiveness)
  • major investment in sheltered housing accommodation
  • major external works and environmental programme

When will work be carried out on my property?

All properties will receive written notice well in advance of any planned improvement works to give you time to prepare.

Will the work involve disruption to my home?

Carrying out improvement works on this scale will inevitably involve some disruption. We realise the internal works, particularly replacing kitchens and bathrooms, new windows and doors, can cause upheaval.

We hope that seeing the finished product will make it worthwhile, and you will be able to speak to a Tenant Liaison Officer if you have any concerns.

The role of our Tenant Liaison Officers is to:

  • stay in touch with you while a particular aspect of the work is being carried out
  • help answer any queries you may have
  • act as a point of contact between you and the housing service

Our contractors also have their own Resident Liaison Officers who have a similar role so there will always be a friendly face that you can contact while the work is going on, should any issues arise.

How are we monitoring the quality of the work being carried out?

Each aspect of the work has to be inspected by one of the housing service’s Clerk of Works, before it can be signed off as completed. The Clerk must be satisfied that the work achieves the WHQS before they can sign off.

Our housing service uses Service Improvement Groups, made up of elected tenants, who regularly visit properties, speak to tenants, and perform ‘mystery shopper’ type inspections on properties where improvement work is taking place. Their findings are reported back to the housing service to help us maintain a high standard of work and address any issues which may arise.

Questionnaires are also issued to tenants after each aspect of work has been completed. The results are then collected, compared and analysed so that a high standard of work can be maintained across the board.

What are ‘Community Benefit’ Schemes?

Along with the Welsh Government, our housing service is committed to ensuring that the local economy sees the maximum value from every penny spent on the work to achieve the WHQS.

Clauses are included in all major contracts, requiring contractors who work with the housing service to commit to ‘give something extra’ back to the local economy through Community Benefit schemes.

Schemes can include sponsoring local projects, such as: community gardens and sports teams, refurbishing schools, village halls and community centres.

Community benefits can also include taking on local workers, setting up apprenticeship schemes and purchasing stock and supplies from local businesses. 

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