You can choose to use a care provider for your direct payment care and support. 

Find a provider 

All care providers in Wales have to be registered with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW). 

What to do before choosing a care provider

Before making a final decision when choosing a care provider, you should: 

  • Checked the hourly rate that the care provider charges in case a top-up fee would apply (see rate information below).
  • Sign a contract with them before any care and support is provided, which clearly states your own expectations and the expectations of the care provider 

The contract should take into account notice periods, annual leave and sickness.

What rate can I pay my care provider? 

The rate that we pay you per hour to employ a care provider is £25.60 for 2024-25. Some care providers may choose to charge more than this per hour. 

If you wish to use a care provider that charges more than the set rate, you would need to pay the extra costs out of your personal funds. This must be made as a separate payment to any assessed client contribution for auditing purposes.

Your responsibilities

You are fully responsible for managing your care and support, as you are receiving money directly from us in order to arrange this.

You have the responsibility to deal with any disciplinary issues, weekly rotas and contingency planning. Contingency planning means you should have a plan in place in case your care provider is ever absent/unable to provide your support (due to bad weather or staff sickness, for example).