Telecare equipment can help support citizens to remain at home, to live safely and independently as long as possible. Equipment is linked to a response centre 24/7 to ensure support can be provided as required. 

For more information about Telecare including fees and how to apply, read our Telecare page

Telecare equipment that will be considered when assessing people with a cognitive impairment

Risk of wandering away from home

Door sensors

These are useful to monitor the safety of citizens with cognitive impairments who may be prone to leaving their home for extended periods of time, during day or night, putting themselves at risk.

GPS device

Family/friends/carers can track a GPS device to determine a person’s whereabouts if concerned for their safety. This can ensure a quick and safe return home.

Medication management

Medication prompts

Verbal reminders for medication can be recorded to play daily at set times via the telecare unit.


This is an automated pill dispenser, this reminds people, by means of an alarm and a flashing light, when to take their medication. It will dispense the correct dose at the right time of day/night.

High risk of falls

Falls detector

Detects hard falls and raises an automatic alert for a person who would not have the capacity to press a pendant when in need of assistance.

Bed sensor

A pressure pad that can detect when a person is in bed. This can raise an automatic alert when a person is out of bed to enable support to be provided. (Timings of usual night time patterns will be required.)

Just checking system

The just checking system is an activity monitoring system for the home. It is a stand-alone system that is not linked to a response centre and is usually installed in a home for 3-4 weeks. The system helps to understand movements of the person at home, often when living alone. Evidence gathered from this monitoring helps to ensure appropriate telecare equipment is installed and can help to identify any further care and support needs.


For any questions about the Telecare service, please email