We use a performance management framework to manage our performance within the council. This involves measuring how well we are achieving against the promises set out in our Council Plan

Our Council Plan is a high level strategic document that drives the activities of the council. All other plans are built from this one, including specific strategies such as our Decarbonisation Plan, Anti-Poverty Strategy and service plans, which provide the details of the actions, activities and programmes that each service area will undertake to contribute towards achieving the outcomes included within each of our council priorities. 

Underpinning all of this is a suite of measures that enable us to track how we are doing and understand the impact of our work on the place and people of Wrexham County Borough. These are our outcome measures. You can find more detail on these measures on our Council Plan 2023-28: Performance Management Framework outcome measures page.

We will report annually using outcome measures, on the progress towards our outcome statements in an Annual Council Plan Performance Report. You can find this, along with more detail on how we manage performance, on our performance management framework page .

Monitoring performance towards achieving our equality outcomes

To help monitor the progress we are making towards our equality outcomes, we will extract the related outcome measures into an equality outcomes highlight report within our Annual Council Plan Performance report.