This consultation is an opportunity for the local and wider community to learn about the proposals to reduce the published admission number at Wat’s Dyke Community Primary School.

Wrexham Council wishes to seek the views of interested parties regarding the proposal to reduce the published admission number at Wat’s Dyke Community Primary School.

This consultation document sets out the information which consultees will need to consider to take part fully in the consultation process. This process follows regulatory guidance as set out in the School Organisation Code 2018.

The consultation

The council wishes to seek the views of all those with a likely interest in the proposal. It is important that all views can be taken into account before a decision is made.

You are welcome to ask any questions and let us have your views by emailing

This consultation was open from December 2, 2024 to January 24, 2025.

Frequently asked questions

Has a Welsh Language Impact Assessment been carried out?

Yes, a copy of the Welsh Language Impact Assessment can be found on our consultation webpage and on the Your Voice webpage. Hard copies are available on request.

What if numbers start to go up again? How will we meet future demand if numbers rise?

Published Admission Numbers in Wrexham schools are closely monitored and regularly reviewed by the Local Authority.

With potential large amount of houses coming to Wrexham where will the pupils go?

In Wrexham we adopt a policy of parental choice. Families have the right to apply for any school in the County Borough in accordance with Wrexham’s School Admissions Policy.

Who makes these decisions in Wrexham Council?

The Local Authority regularly monitors and reviews Published Admission Numbers in its schools. In this instance, all three governing bodies approached the Local Authority to reduce their PANs. The Education and Early Intervention have written the consultation report. Feedback from the public consultation will be presented to the Executive Board. The Executive Board are the decision making body when any changes to school organisation is being considered. 

What if numbers start to go up again? How will we meet future demand if numbers rise?

Published Admission Numbers in Wrexham schools are closely monitored and regularly reviewed by the Local Authority.  

With potential large amount of houses coming to Wrexham where will the pupils go?

In Wrexham we adopt a policy of parental choice. Families have the right to apply for any school in the County Borough in accordance with Wrexham’s School Admissions Policy.  

How does reducing the PAN in English medium schools help to support the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP)?

This proposal supports the sustainable growth of Welsh-medium education in line with the aspirations of the Council’s Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) and Welsh Government’s Cymraeg 2050. Outcomes from our Welsh Language Impact Assessment indicated that the proposal to reduce pupil places in three of our English medium primary schools is unlikely to result in any significant adverse impact on the Welsh language or on Welsh medium education.