We provide a range of social care services to support families with children in Wrexham.

Concerned about a child?

Tell us as soon as possible if you’re concerned that a child is at risk of being harmed or neglected. You can do this by emailing SPOAchildren@wrexham.gov.uk or calling the Children’s Single Point of Access (SPoA) on 01978 292039 during normal office hours.

Our Emergency Duty Team can be contacted by emailing Emergency.Hours@wrexham.gov.uk or on 0345 053 3116 during out of hours (before 8:30am and after 5pm Monday - Thursday, and before 8:30am and after 4:30pm on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays).

If the child is in immediate danger, you should call the police immediately on 999.

Help and advice

As your local council, we have a duty to provide information, advice and assistance to families in the Wrexham area. Families can contact Wrexham Family Information Service about a number of topics, including:

  • Childcare and childcare costs
  • Things to do in Wrexham County Borough
  • Children's health
  • Children’s development and behaviour
  • Work-life balance
  • Education
  • Breastfeeding
  • Potty training
  • Child safety
  • Bullying
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Special guardianship orders

Our Children’s Social Care Department also works with children and families facing challenges, including disability, poverty, substance misuse, domestic abuse and mental health problems.

General enquiries

You can contact us with general enquiries about children’s social care by emailing SPOAchildren@wrexham.gov.uk.

The mailbox is monitored Monday-Thursday from 08:30-17:00 and on Friday from 08:30-16:30.

More children’s social care information