The aim of the scheme is to increase long-term participation in physical activity and sport by raising awareness of the benefits of exercise and healthy lifestyles to young people and their families.
The scheme aims to make exercise more accessible and affordable to individuals and is open to young people aged 8-16 years with 'low risk' medical, emotional or mental health difficulties.
The scheme aims to provide the opportunity for any young person who falls into this category to participate in physical activity and sport if it is believed physical activity will have a positive impact on their life.
- Provide sustainable exercise opportunities for young people on the scheme.
- Assess individual client needs, offering continued advice and support.
- Encourage individuals to address lifestyle issues.
- Evaluate and monitor the scheme and its effect on individuals.
- Develop links between referral partners and the council's leisure services.
Appropriate recommendations
The scheme is open to young people aged 8-16 years with one or more of the following 'low risk' medical conditions and their 'low risk' emotional difficulties:
- Diabetes (controlled)
- Asthma
- Obesity
- Eating disorders
- Obsessional compulsive disorders
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Depression
- Low self esteem
- Anxiety disorders
- Specific conditions affecting motor skill development
Referral partners
Referral partners work with the young person and their parent / guardian to complete a 'recommendation form' detailing medical history, personal details and a brief reason for the recommendation.
These details are then forwarded to the Activ8-2-16 Coordinator who will then arrange for the relevant action to be taken to ensure the young person is introduced to the Sports and Physical Activities on the Activ8-2-16 timetable.
Referral partners include CAMHS, Paediatric Occupational Therapy, school nurses, occupational therapists, TAC Officers and physiotherapists.
What happens next?
- The Activ8-2-16 Coordinator will receive a recommendation from a referral partner.
- The coordinator will contact the person being referred. An initial letter will be sent with details of how to book a meeting.
- If there is no response after two weeks, the coordinator will attempt to contact them.
- At the meeting, the young person will decide which sessions they want to take part in.
- Meetings can take place either before the start of the sessions, or somewhere else that’s convenient.
- The person will take part in the sessions with the Activ8-2-16 Coordinator introducing them to the coaches / instructors and other children at the session.
- After six weeks, the coordinator will ask for feedback about the sessions and scheme.
Cost and duration
During the recommendation period the young person will attend a structured session of activity that will last for six weeks.
Most activities are provided free of charge for a six week programme. However, where a third party provides the activities, a small charge may apply.
Quality assurance
All the coaches / instructors involved on the scheme are fully qualified, police-checked and have received training in child protection issues.
All participants and parent / guardians will receive information on the programme after meeting with the Activ8-2-16 Coordinator.