Our Adult Social Care Department works with people to improve their well-being. We want to help people when they are worried about their own or someone else's well-being.

Information, advice and assistance

When someone first contacts us, one of our trained staff will ask a number of questions to find out more about that person's situation (or about the person they are calling about). This can help us find what kind of support would be most helpful.

Our starting point is to give people enough information to meet their own personal requirements, and to make their own care and support plans. Throughout our webpages there are also links to organisations that provide advice and support.

Many people's social care needs can be met by services and activities that are provided locally. We aim to tell people about what help is available for them in their own communities.


As well as making information, advice and assistance available to the citizens of Wrexham to help promote their well-being, we must offer an assessment if we know or think someone needs care and support, or a carer needs support.

An assessment can help to see if a person has care and support needs, and to work out if they are eligible for help from social services. We may also carry out an assessment if we think a person is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect.

When carrying out an assessment, we will talk to you and your family about what matters most in improving your life and your well-being. As well as talking about the difficulties you're experiencing, it's important that we find out about your strengths and capabilities and what is working well in your life.

We can then help you to work out what outcome you are hoping to achieve from our help, and if appropriate agree a care and support plan that can best meet your well-being needs.

Charges for services

Some services provided may be subject to a charge, or we may ask people to pay towards part of their care and support.

There are national regulations about who has to pay, the most a council can charge and the circumstances when a council cannot charge for services it provides. So before providing certain services we need to carry out a financial assessment. This assessment is done to find out how much money a person has as income or savings, in order to make a fair decision on how much that person should have to pay. 

We will notify the person about any charges before we start providing a service. Often the care and support we provide will only be required for a short time, until the person builds the confidence and skills to manage on their own or with the help of others.

How to request an assessment

You can email AdultsSPOA@wrexham.gov.uk or call 01978 292066 to request an assessment.

General enquiries

You can contact us with general enquiries about adult social care by emailing AdultsSPOA@wrexham.gov.uk or calling 01978 292066. 

During out of hours you can call 0345 0533116 (before 8:30am and after 5pm Monday – Thursday and before 8:30am – 4:30pm on Friday, Saturday and bank holidays).

If you believe someone to be at serious risk of harm, contact the police on 999.