Weekly on Wednesday, 1 - 2:15pm until Thu, Apr 10 2025
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Plas Kynaston Lane
LL14 3AT
Meet, socialise and share experiences with other parents/guardians in an informal Welsh atmosphere while your children enjoy playing together.
Don’t worry if you don’t speak Welsh as everyone is welcome at the Cylch Ti a Fi!
By attending the Cylch Ti a Fi your child will have the opportunity to:
- enjoy playing and making new friends
- enjoy playing with toys
- learn to sing simple Welsh songs that you can sing together at home
- listen to Welsh stories and look through books
- create art and crafts
All children from 0-4 years old are welcome!
Weekly group, every Wednesday afternoon (term time only), 1pm – 2.15pm
Free. No need to book, just turn up!
For more information: Mudiad Meithrin: Cefn Mawr (Ti a Fi) (external link)
You can also find out about ways pre-school families can engage with the Welsh language on our Welsh medium education webpage.
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