What is pre-application advice?

We encourage applicants and developers who are intending to submit an application for planning permission to engage with us at the earliest possible stage in the development of a scheme. 

The benefits of pre-application advice are that we will:

  • explain how we will apply our policies and standards
  • tell you what specialist input you will need (for example about listed buildings, trees, landscape, noise, transport, contaminated land, ecology or archaeology)
  • tell you what information you need for a valid application, to help avoid rejection at registration stage or early refusal of permission due to inadequate information
  • give you an early indication where a proposal may be unacceptable, so you can fully consider your proposal against the cost of a formal planning application
  • provide an early indication as to whether any planning obligations are likely to be imposed

How can I submit an enquiry for pre-application advice?

As a minimum, you must submit a completed pre-application advice enquiry form containing information on your proposal, provide a location plan and pay the required fee.  When filling in the form make sure you provide as much detail as you can on your proposal, to allow us to give a detailed and accurate response.

Submit the completed form by emailing it to us at planning@wrexham.gov.uk.

What happens after I submit a pre-application enquiry?

We aim to provide you with a response within 21 days of submitting your pre-application enquiry, however the Development Management Team are currently short staffed and as a result responses may take longer than 21 days. The case officer may contact you for an extension if more time is required to respond.

You will receive a single written response outlining the following:

  • the relevant planning history of the site
  • the relevant development plan policies against which the development proposal will be assessed
  • relevant local planning guidance notes 
  • any other material planning considerations
  • an initial assessment of the proposed development, based on the information above.

No meetings will be arranged to discuss your proposal as part of the pre-application advice service. Any site visits will be carried out at the discretion of the case officer dealing with your pre-application enquiry.  

If you would like any further advice as a result of changes to a proposal you will need to submit a new pre-application enquiry.