A-Z Services Directory
- About Active Wrexham
- About the council
- Accessibility advice
- Accessibility statement
- Active Wrexham: 60+
- Active Wrexham: Community
- Active Wrexham: Education
- Active Wrexham: Funding
- Acton community resource centre
- Address (visit us)
- Adopted roads map
- Adult social care
- Advertising
- Air Quality
- Allotments
- Apply for Housing Benefit
- Applying for housing
- Apprentices
- Approved premises for civil marriages and civil partnerships
- Asbestos
- Assisted bin and recycling collection request
- Associate pupil governors
- Bangor on Dee conservation area
- Be a councillor
- Beautiful Berwyns walk
- Benefit (Housing)
- Bersham conservation area
- Bins and recycling
- Birth index search facility
- Blue Badge scheme
- Book a registrar for your ceremony
- Broughton circular walk
- Brymbo and Bwlchgwyn walk
- Building control
- Bulky household item removal
- Bus pass
- Bus timetables
- Business
- Business links
- Business rates
- Bwlchgwyn - Nant y Ffrith walk
- Car parks
- Caru Cymru
- Cashless dining
- Cefn Mawr conservation area
- Ceiriog Valley walk
- Cemetery - Ruabon Road, Wrexham
- Childcare
- Children and young people - libraries
- Children's social care
- Chirk and River Ceiriog circular walk
- Chirk conservation area
- City tree trail - Black Pine
- City tree trail - Blue Atlas Cedar
- City tree trail - Common Beech
- City tree trail - Common Lime
- City tree trail - Dawn Redwood
- City tree trail - London Plane
- City tree trail - Resistant Elm
- City tree trail - Rowan
- City tree trail - Sessile Oak
- City tree trail - Silver birch
- City tree trail - Tassel Cherry
- City tree trail - Weeping Willow
- City tree trail - Wild Cherry
- City tree trail - Yew
- Coedpoeth - Gwenfro and Clywedog Valleys
- Coedpoeth - Nant Mill to Bronwylfa
- Coedpoeth to Minera circular walk
- Community centre - Gwersyllt
- Community centre - Llay Park
- Community centre - Plas Pentwyn, Coedpoeth
- Community centres
- Community centres - Acton
- Community safety partnership
- Community trigger
- Complaints (General)
- Complaints and compliments
- Concessionary travel card (bus pass)
- Condensation and mould
- Consultations
- Contact planning
- Contact us
- Cookies
- Cost of living - help
- Council documents
- Council garages
- Council housing
- Council Tax
- Council Tax - discounts and exemptions
- Council Tax - empty and second home premium
- Council Tax - how much is my Council Tax and what is my money spent on?
- Council Tax - I have a complaint about my Council Tax
- Council Tax - what happens if I don’t pay my Council Tax?
- Council Tax Reduction Scheme
- Council Tax spending comparison
- Councillors, MPs and MSs
- Covid-19 (Novel Coronavirus)
- Crematorium
- Damaged bins and boxes
- Data protection and freedom of information
- Deaths index search facility
- Definitive Map - Public Rights of Way
- Dementia – life after diagnosis
- Development plans and other planning policy
- Development Team Approach
- Digital & ICT strategy
- Dingle and the Darkie circular walk
- Direct Debit (Council tax, business rates, housing rents)
- Direct payments
- Discounts and exemptions (Council Tax)
- Documents
- Donate
- Drainage problems
- Dumped rubbish
- Education
- Election process
- Election results
- Elections and voting
- Empty and second home premium
- Ending physical punishment in Wales
- Ending your tenancy
- Energy Performance Certificates (EPC)
- Energy Performance Certificates and listed buildings
- Environmental enforcement services
- Erbistock and River Dee walk
- Erbistock conservation area
- Facts, data and statistics
- Fairy Road (Wrexham) conservation area
- Family history
- Family history - births index search
- Family history - deaths index search
- Family history - marriages index search
- Family history - Wrexham cemetery burial records search facility
- Fees for pre-application advice
- Fenn's Moss walk
- Finance
- Finance documents
- Financial help with the cost of living
- Finding a place to rent
- Flintshire and Wrexham Joint Local Access Forum
- Flooding
- Fly tipping (dumped rubbish)
- Flying Start
- Food safety
- Foodbanks
- Fostering - private
- Free school meals
- Free swimming
- Freedom of information and data protection
- Funding - Active Wrexham
- Furniture
- Garages
- Garages - Council
- Garden waste collection service
- Gas safety and carbon monoxide poisoning
- Genealogy
- Get Involved
- Governors - associate pupil
- Gresford conservation area
- Gritting, priority routes
- Grosvenor Road (Wrexham) conservation area
- Gwersyllt and the River Alyn circular walk
- Gwersyllt Community Resource Centre
- Hanmer conservation area
- Health and social care
- Help with the cost of living
- Help, information and support for children and families
- Hightown Barracks conservation area
- Highway priority gritting routes
- Holt conservation area
- Home and property improvement
- Homeless or at risk?
- Homelessness - help and advice
- Homelessness and our duties
- Household recycling centres
- Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licensing and management
- Housing
- Housing Benefit
- Housing Benefit - Apply for Housing Benefit
- Housing Benefit - Claim Discretionary Housing Payment
- Housing Benefit - Have your circumstances changed?
- Housing Benefit - I want to make a complaint or appeal a decision
- Housing Benefit - Why have my benefits been suspended or stopped?
- Housing conditions
- Housing Health and Safety Rating System
- Housing hotline magazine for tenants
- How much is my Council Tax and what is my money spent on?
- How to vote
- Learn Welsh
- Leaseholder repairs and maintenance
- Leaseholders share your views
- Leasing Scheme Wales
- Led walks
- Leisure facilities
- Libraries
- Libraries - children and young people
- Libraries - online services
- Libraries - what we do
- Libraries - what's new?
- Licensing
- Links
- Listed buildings and EPCs
- Llanarmon Dyffryn Ceiriog conservation area
- Llay Park Resource Centre
- Local advertising opportunities - Social Media
- Local advertising opportunities: Direct residential marketing services
- Local advertising opportunities: Discount / experience platforms
- Local advertising opportunities: Local initiatives
- Local advertising opportunities: local magazines and newsletters
- Local advertising opportunities: Local membership groups
- Local advertising opportunities: local newspaper / news websites
- Local advertising opportunities: Local radio stations
- Local advertising opportunities: Miscellaneous
- Local advertising opportunities: NHS and private surgeries
- Local advertising opportunities: Noticeboards
- Local advertising opportunities: Online directories - free listings
- Local advertising opportunities: Online event calendars/listings
- Local advertising opportunities: Sports clubs
- Local advertising opportunities: Ticket advertising
- Local advertising opportunities: Transport / outdoor advertising
- Local advertising opportunities: Wrexham City Centre Public Information Pillars
- Local advertising opportunities: Wrexham Council advertising opportunities
- Local housing estate offices
- Local library
- Maintenance and enforcement policy - Public rights of way
- Management structure
- Marchwiel conservation area
- Marford conservation area
- Markets
- Marriages index search
- Mayoralty
- Media enquiries
- Members' allowances
- Memorial centre, Brynteg
- Memorial hall
- Minera conservation area
- Mines, Moorland & Mountain walk
- Money problems - help with the cost of living
- MyUpdates
- Parking
- Parks and leisure
- Pay for school meals
- Pay it
- Pen-y-cae conservation area
- Pentrebychan Crematorium
- Places of worship in Wrexham County Borough
- Planning and building control
- Planning application guidance
- Planning applications - have your say
- Planning Service Customer Charter
- Planning: Pre-application advice
- Plas Pentwyn Resource Centre
- Playgrounds
- Pontcysyllte Aqueduct conservation area
- Poor heating and fuel poverty
- Portal, wellbeing
- Premises licence
- Press office
- Privacy notice (website)
- Privacy Notice - Wrexham's Transforming Towns Property Development Grant
- Privacy notices
- Private fostering
- Private hire and hackney carriage licence
- Private landlords
- Private tenants
- Private tenants - HMOs
- Private water supplies
- Public and community toilets
- Public rights of way
- Pupil governors
- Re-Use of Information
- Reception school admissions
- Recycle your furniture
- Recycling - other ways to recycle in Wrexham
- Recycling - what goes in my bins/recycling containers?
- Recycling sacks and caddy liners: pickup locations
- Refuse bins and boxes
- Register for updates
- Registration service
- Remuneration
- Rent payment
- Repairs in private rented housing
- Report housing tenancy fraud
- Report it
- Request it
- Requirements for standing for election
- Residents
- Retirement accommodation
- Rhosllanerchrugog - Mountain Reservoirs walk
- Rhostyllen - Offa's Dyke and Pentre Bychan walk
- Riding routes
- Rossett conservation area
- Ruabon - Gardden Woods and Hillfort walk
- Ruabon conservation area
- Salisbury Park (Wrexham) conservation area
- School admissions
- School closures
- School Essentials Grant
- School governors
- School meals catering service
- School transport
- School uniform grant
- Schools and education
- Scrutiny
- Self-guided walks
- Service charges
- Shared Prosperity Fund: North Wales
- Sheltered housing (retirement accommodation)
- Sheltered housing sites
- Social care (adult)
- Social care (children's)
- Social services complaints
- Sports centres
- Sports clubs
- Standards Committee Notice of Decision
- Standing for election
- Statement of priorities
- Statistics and data
- Street light reporting
- Tattooing and the law
- Taxi licence
- Telecare service
- Tenancy agreements
- Tenancy deposit protection
- Tenant responsibilities
- Tenant survey summary
- Tenants - Information for private tenants
- Tenants rights
- The County Borough of Wrexham (Welsh Government 30mph Scheme, Various Locations) (30 mph) Speed Limit) Order 2025
- The guide to the Maelor Way
- The Wellbeing Hub
- Together Achieving Change (TAC)
- Trading Standards
- Traffic Regulation Orders
- Tree and Woodland Pledge
- Walks - 'Dingle and the Darkie'
- Walks - Beautiful Berwyns
- Walks - Broughton
- Walks - Brymbo and Bwlchgwyn
- Walks - Bwlchgwyn - Nant y Ffrith
- Walks - Ceiriog Valley
- Walks - Chirk and River Ceiriog
- Walks - Coedpoeth - Gwenfro and Clywedog Valleys
- Walks - Coedpoeth - Nant Mill to Bronwylfa
- Walks - Coedpoeth to Minera
- Walks - Erbistock and River Dee
- Walks - Fenn's Moss
- Walks - Gwersyllt and the River Alyn
- Walks - Iscoyd
- Walks - Overton
- Walks - Overton and the River Dee
- Walks - Overton to Trench
- Walks - Rhosllanerchrugog - Mountain Reservoirs
- Walks - Rhostyllen - Offa's Dyke and Pentre Bychan
- Walks - Ruabon - Gardden Woods and Hillfort
- Walks - self-guided
- Walks - The guide to the Maelor Way
- Walks - Woods and meadows via Plas-yn-coed and Cloy
- Walks - Wrexham industrial estate
- Walks and rides
- Water supplies - private
- Website advertising
- Website privacy notice
- Wedding prices
- Welfare Rights
- Wellbeing portal
- Welsh Housing Quality Standard
- Welsh Language Standards
- What happens if I don’t pay my Council Tax?
- Which area do I represent?
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Woodland Pledge
- Woods and meadows via Plas-yn-coed and Cloy
- Worthenbury conservation area
- Wrexham cemeteries fees and charges
- Wrexham cemetery
- Wrexham cemetery burial records search facility
- Wrexham city tree trail
- Wrexham industrial estate circular walk
- Wrexham memorial hall
- Wrexham Town Centre conservation area
- Wrexham town centre markets
- Wrexham weather
- Wrexham Woodland Pledge
- Wrexham Youth Justice Service
- Wrexham's Transforming Towns Property Development Grant - Privacy Notice